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13 Property Images
1 Floorplans
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Room 1
Size Large Double
Double bed , desk, chair, bookshelf, noticeboard, storage units, blinds, carpeted. Situated in the attic.
Room 2
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, noticeboard, storage units, blinds, carpeted. Situated on first floor, front of house.
Room 3
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, noticeboard, storage units, blinds, carpeted. Situated on first floor, back of house.
Room 4
Size Very Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, noticeboard, storage units, blinds, carpeted. Situated on the ground floor, front of house.
Room 5
Size Very Large Double
Spectacular very large double bedroom, desk, chair, bookshelf, noticeboard, storage units, blinds, carpeted. Situated in the basement of the house.
Property Location
Francis Close Hall
1 min walk
Park Campus
28 min walk
Hardwick Campus
6 min walk
Oxtalls Campus
Bike, Bus or Car
Town Centre
7 min walk
Train Station
22 min walk
Bus Station
8 min walk
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