Thank you for all you have done, it's been a lovely two years, the house is amazing and we've made some good memories here. So, from all of us thank you so much!
37 Property Images
1 Floorplans
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Room 1
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the lower ground floor, back of house.
Room 2
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the ground floor, front of house.
Room 3
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the ground floor, back of house.
Room 4
Size Medium Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the ground floor, back of house.
Room 5
Size Medium Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the ground floor, front of house.
Room 6
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the first floor, back of house.
Room 7
Size Very Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the first floor, front of house. This room is absolutely enormous!
Room 8
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the first floor, front of house.
Room 9
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the second floor, back of house.
Room 10
Size Large Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the second floor, front of house.
Room 11
Size Medium Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the second floor, front of house.
Room 12
Size Medium Double
Double bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, wardrobe, bedside cabinet, curtains. Situated on the second floor, front of house.
EPC Certificate
Property Location
Francis Close Hall
6 min walk
Park Campus
23 min walk
Hardwick Campus
10 min walk
Oxtalls Campus
Bike, Bus or Car
Town Centre
2 min walk
Train Station
19 min walk
Bus Station
2 min walk
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